Statutory guarantee

If the item is found to be defective, the consumer has the right to request the seller to eliminate the defect (change the product, reduce the price) or withdraw from the contract.

The replacement of goods is the primary right of the consumer, which means that the consumer must first ask the trader to replace the goods, unless this, due to the nature of the goods, is impossible or requires a disproportionate or inappropriately high cost.

In determining whether an expense is disproportionate or disproportionately large, the following conditions must be taken into account:

a) the price of goods or services in case of compliance with the conditions stipulated in the contract;

b) the degree of non-compliance of the goods or services with the conditions stipulated in the contract;

c) an alternative possibility to eliminate the defect of the goods without creating a delay for the user.

The goods must be replaced within a reasonable time, so that the customer does not face a significant delay, taking into account the nature of the goods and the purpose for which he purchased the goods.

The consumer has the right to eliminate the defect or change/refund the defective product within 2 years after taking possession of the defective product. If the customer discovers a defect in the goods within 6 months of receiving them, until the contrary is proven, it is assumed that the defect existed when the goods were delivered, if this is possible due to the nature of the goods or the nature of the defect. In this case, the burden of proof is on the merchant. If the consumer discovers the defect in the goods after 6 months after taking possession of the goods, the burden of proving that the defect existed at the time of delivery of the goods is on the consumer.

The customer has the right to request a reduction in the price of the goods or to refuse the contract if one of the following conditions exists:

Goods cannot be exchanged if;
The customer does not want to exchange the product for any other product of the same or higher value (the customer adds the difference in the amount);
the trader did not replace the goods within a reasonable time and the consumer lost interest in the performance of the contract;
Changing the goods by the merchant will cause a significant delay to the customer.

The customer has the right, in case of withdrawal from the contract, to demand compensation for damages caused by non-fulfillment of the contract in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia.

The customer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract if the defect in the goods is minor.

The trader is obliged to transfer the refundable amount to the customer in full to his bank account, no later than 14 working days after the request.


Statutory warranty does not apply to entrepreneurs/legal entities.

Please consider:

In case of installment purchase, the bank’s policy of change/return privileges should be taken into account;
The person by whom the purchase was made should apply to the store directly, bringing with him an identity card and any document confirming the payment;
The customer should contact the store manager/coordinator for a change/return request;
The amount will be returned to the bank account of the person/citizen on whose behalf the purchase was made, unless an additional agreement was made between the company and the consumer;
The exact amount paid at the time of purchase will be returned to the customer;
Gifts, vouchers and other items received at the time of purchase must be returned with the goods, otherwise their value will be deducted from the refund amount. The current value of the said item in the merchant’s network will be considered as the value of the gifts

The item will not be exchanged/returned if:

The price of the goods has decreased as a result of such use, which is not related to the determination of the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods;
The products must be used strictly following the instructions, warnings and instructions. You should always check the ingredients of the products to avoid allergic reactions. The information on the site cannot replace professional medical advice: the site is only a specialized online store for personal care products. Please consult your doctor before using any product or information obtained from the site. All health-related decisions are made by your doctor.
Ciel cannot provide answers to health-related questions and the Site is not a substitute for a professional health information resource. “Ciel” does not perform the functions of a doctor, and the information published on the site does not imply this. Information about prescription drugs and treatments is not intentionally placed on the site. For medical assistance, contact 112 or a doctor immediately.
Information about colors

Although Ciel designers try to represent the colors of the products: foundation tone, eyeshadow palette, concealer, blush, powder, highlighter, lip balm, the colors you perceive depend on your monitor, mobile device and may not be accurate.